Transportation » Welcome to WISD Transportation

Welcome to WISD Transportation

Transportation UPDATES!
If you have an address change, contact your campus to update Skyward.
This will allow us to make changes to your student's bus assignment.
Remember- Bus ID cards must be used by ALL students riding a bus. This includes midday shuttles used by NGC and WHS students. All elementary bus riders have a scan card that will remain on their assigned bus. This is to ensure proper scanning and prevent the cards from being lost. 
Watch for notifications in the NFT Parent View app! If you do not have the Parent View App to View your Roo, please click on the right to begin the process to get in-transit visibility of your Roos!


Dr. Jason Dunkelberger - Transportation Director

"If you see someone without a smile, give 'em yours!"

The mission of the Weatherford Independent School District Transportation Department is to provide uninterrupted transportation support while fostering a safe environment for all students.
Weatherford ISD Transportation Department
999 Sloan Street (behind WISD Ninth Grade Center)
Weatherford, TX 76086
Main Number: (817) 598-2976
Transportation Director: Dr. Jason Dunkelberger - [email protected]

How do I get my Roo on a school bus?

  1. Complete campus registration/enroll in WISD (more information)
  2. Click here to locate the school campuses that serve your address.
  3. Complete Request for Transportation form (click here to complete form)
  4. Routing will be completed by Transportation Department as soon as possible
  5. Transportation Department will contact caregiver to provide information
  6. Students should be at assigned bus stop five minutes prior to pickup