Full-day Pre-Kindergarten
Weatherford ISD's Pre-K program follows the normal school day schedule and school calendar. Each day includes a rest time for students. Transportation is also provided to students.
Weatherford ISD offers a healthy breakfast and lunch every school day to all students. For more information, visit our Child Nutrition page on the website.
Good attendance is important for your child's academic success. Numerous studies have shown a strong link between students who consistently attend school and their academic performance. While Pre-Kindergarten is not a mandatory program, if your child qualifies and is enrolled, he/she is subject to the Texas Compulsory Attendance Law and must attend school each day according to the Weatherford ISD school calendar.
- Child must be 4 years old on/before September 1 of the school year
- Child must live within the Weatherford ISD boundaries
- Child must meet one or more of the following state-based criteria:
- Language other than English is spoken at home/by the child - eligibility is based on results of language testing scheduled and provided by Weatherford ISD
- Limited Income/Eligible for National Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program
(SNAP letter, most recent paycheck stubs (3) from all income earners, or self-employed families ONLY can submit tax returns) - Homeless - As determined by WISD's Student Residency Questionnaire
(as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1143a) - Child or Step-Child of an Active Duty Member of Armed Forces or Who Was Injured Or Killed While Serving on Active Duty
(US DoD photo identification, statement of service from the installation adjutant general director of human resources, or a copy of the death certificate or a DoD form that indicates death as the reason for separation from service) - Is, Or Has Ever Been, In Conservatorship of Dept. of Family and Protective Services
(Proof of DFPS conservatorship/Form 2085-Foster Care) - Child of a Person Eligible for Star of Texas Award, as:
(resolution/certificate awarded to individual serves as proof of eligibility)
- Peace Officer under Sec. 3106.002, Gov't Code;
- Firefighter under Sec. 3106.003, Gov't Code; or
- Emergency Medical First Responder under Sec. 3106.004, Gov't Code
Pre-K Enrollment Information and Forms |