Advanced Academics
Parent Resources
Test Prep Resources
Middle School Math Specifics
Middle School Math Specifics:
- 8th graders cannot take Honors Algebra 1 unless they've completed 7th grade honors (per TEA course prerequisites).
SB 2124 - Automatic enrollment in an advanced mathematics course for all sixth grade students who performed in the top 40 percent on the fifth grade State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) mathematics assessment, or a local measure that includes either the student’s fifth grade class ranking or demonstrated proficiency in the student’s fifth grade mathematics coursework.
WISD Advanced Academic Course Opportunities for grades 6 - 12
WISD Advanced Academic Course Opportunities for grades 6 - 12:
- Honors courses are offered starting in grade 6 to prepare students for taking AP/DC classes at the high school (predominantly grades 10-12).
Questions? Email Billie Rees ([email protected]) or contact your campus counselors:
Hall MS
Dinah Stringer
Melisa Hightower
Tison MS
Scott Wells
Amy Atherton
Ninth Grade Center
Alysa Reasoner
Tiffany Glawson
Darla McKinney
Weatherford High School
Melanie Prince
Gaylene Greathouse
Mayra Denson
Chance Ray