How many years have you served in education? This is my 21st year. Education is not my first career, but I got hooked immediately after working with bilingual 1st graders.
Where are you originally from? Puerto Rico
Favorite sports team? The Texas Rangers
What would be impossible for you to give up? Rice and beans cooked the Caribbean way.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? I love to visit other countries and immerse myself in the culture, the language, the flavors and traditions. To be able to go to all the places I want to go, I would say that transporting myself anywhere in the world in 5 seconds would be AMAZING!
What “lesson from mom” do you still live by? Be a lady no matter then circumstances.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I don’t eat much Ice cream, but if I did, it would be Vanilla bean and it would have to be Blue Bell.
Describe yourself in 3 words. Passionate, compassionate and committed.
Tell us about your family. I have been married to my husband David Adams for 27 years. He made me laugh on our first date and he still makes me laugh. Our son Patrick is a Texas A&M graduate. He is currently a pilot for SkyWest Airlines, and he makes me laugh almost as much as my husband. It is awesome to be surrounded by love and laughter.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? This is a hard one. There are so many places I want to visit. Spain is next on my list!
Name one thing that many people don’t know about you. I used to coordinate mission trips to Central America. I hope to return to that when I retire from education.
What do you love most about working in public education? The relationships I have with the students at Seguin. Every single one of those children are so different, and so special in their own way. I love that they feel comfortable coming to me and making suggestions and requests to improve their education and our school. Providing students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills is a gift they will carry forever.