Child Nutrition offers healthy, nutritious meals

Every campus within the District continues to serve healthy, nutritious meals based on the Nutrition Standards in both the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. These programs are part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act passed by Congress in 2010, and they are governed by the United States Department of Agriculture.

“The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act helps ensure that every American child has access to the nutrition they need to grow into healthy adults,” WISD Director of Support Services Alicia Hernandez said. “Another goal is to help reduce America’s childhood obesity epidemic and reduce health risks by helping schools across the country produce balanced meals so children have access to healthy foods during the school day.”

Hernandez also said that Nutritional Standards vary at different grade levels.

“We are not allowed to exceed 650 calories per day for students in grades K-5,” she added, “and that includes adding all the meal components – fruits, vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternative, and milk.”

Hernandez said the District offers a hamburger lunch option that meets the new guidelines.  The hamburger contains very little sodium and is served on a whole-wheat bun.

“WISD Child Nutrition employees serve approximately 5,000 meals per day (including breakfast),” Hernandez said, “and we have received many compliments from both parents and staff members about our menu selections.”