WISD Community Education named Texas Workforce Commission competitive grant recipient

"This funding will allow for these classes to be offered to our patrons free of charge," WISD Director of Community Education Dr. Chip Evans said. "The adult education department was extremely pleased to be recipients of the grant."

Dr. Evans also said the WISD Adult Education staff went above and beyond to prepare an outstanding grant application from the District.

"We were excited to be named one of only 35 recipients across the state,” he added. "Classes are offered during the day and in the evenings at various locations throughout the three counties. Anyone interested may call us at 817-598-2806.

In a related announcement, Dr. Chip Evans was invited to present at the annual Texas Workforce Commission State-wide Adult Education Symposium – “Shaping the Future for Texas Adult Education and Literacy” held recently in Austin.

Dr. Evans presented “Career Pathway Development” focusing on transitioning adult education students to post-secondary academic settings and workforce training programs.

Photo Information

Pictured (from left) are Brenda Schofield of ESC-Region 5, WISD Director of Community Education Dr. Chip Evans, and Debbie Alford of Brownsville ISD's Adult and Continuing Education (courtesy photo).
