Contestants included ninth grade students Tayler Bradford and Matthias Nevels. Tison Middle School contestants included Sydney Sharp, Sesila Presa, Emily Porter, Beckett Lowell Rice, Chloe O’Grady and Laynee Tourne-Morton. Hall Middle School contestants included Kylie Hopkins, Shayne Mead, Ashlynn Nance, Rebekka Phillips, Zachary Swain and Bryson Cartright.
Since its start in 1928, the Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program sponsored by the Optimist International. The contest is designed for youth to gain experience in public speaking and provide them with the opportunity to compete for college scholarships.
Zachary Swain and Laynee Tourne-Morton took top honors, both receiving gold medallions for their excellent presentations. Silver medallion winners were Matthias Nevels and Tayler Bradford. Bronze medallion winners were Beckett Lowell Rice and Ashlynn Nance.
“All fourteen students did a wonderful job presenting their speeches, local Optimist Club Oratorical Chairperson Ruby McClain said. "Every student was well-prepared and presented some very inspiring stories of how they can use their youthful passions to make a difference in the world.”
This year’s judges were Dr. Molly Harris, a Weatherford College speech professor; Mrs. Jeane Brunson, Parker County Clerk; and Mr. Brad Tibbitts, a retired Weatherford College history professor.
At the conclusion of the contest, each judge gave high praises to the students for their creative ideas and excellent speeches.
Photo Information
Photo 1 - Winners in the boys division included (from left) Beckett Lowell Rice, Matthias Nevels, and Zachary Swain (courtesy photo).
Photo 2 - Winners in the girls division are (from left) Ashlynn Nance, Tayler Bradford, and Laynee Tourne-Morton (courtesy photo).