So far this school year, Ford has created Kidblog accounts for all fourth graders, organized a Digital Bookworms Club for third graders, set up Google Hangout sessions, and booked a famous children’s author to visit the campus.
She recently received the Beth Ann Rogers Literacy Initiative Grant and she was nominated for the Best Library/Librarian Blog by the Edublog Awards.
Pictured (from left) are Weatherford ISD Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Hanks, Shawna Ford, and Weatherford ISD Board Member Gail Wirtanen (photo by DERIK MOORE).
She recently received the Beth Ann Rogers Literacy Initiative Grant and she was nominated for the Best Library/Librarian Blog by the Edublog Awards.
Pictured (from left) are Weatherford ISD Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Hanks, Shawna Ford, and Weatherford ISD Board Member Gail Wirtanen (photo by DERIK MOORE).